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IT'S ALL BEEN DONE by Kathleen Keith-Gillon

God created time, space and matter and they are subject to Him.
God the great I AM, lives and moves in an eternal present outside of the restrictions of time. Therefore time is not an impediment to God to fulfill in the natural world what He has already done in the spiritual world.
Space as part of God’s creation is subject to Him. Space does not restrict His power; nor does distance diminish it.
Matter does not obstruct or hinder God’s power. As His creation it submits to Him.
Revelation 13:8 shows that the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world. By His words “It is finished” Jesus Christ announced that everything was finished. His work was completed; it transcends, that is, it goes beyond time and cuts across space.
How is Christ’s finished work on the cross of benefit to me in the 21st century?
The blood that Jesus Christ shed on the cross is valid today; it has no “use by” date. It washed away my sin, cleansed me of its contamination and removed my iniquity.
Through Christ’s work on the cross I was rescued from Satan’s dominion and relocated in the Kingdom of God.
What Jesus Christ did in me and for me on the cross will never lose its power to transform, heal and bless me.

Through the following verses of Scripture I declare that the power of Christ’s work on the cross remains valid and is present in my life today.

WHEN HE HAD RECEIVED THE DRINK JESUS SAID, “IT IS FINISHED”. WITH THAT HE BOWED HIS HEAD AND GAVE UP HIS SPIRIT. JOHN 19:30 Thank you Lord Jesus for those words “It is finished”. I declare that on the cross You completed what you came to earth to do. I put my faith in what you have already done, because everything, absolutely everything You came to do, is finished. 

THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. REVELATION 5:5 Heavenly Father thank you that when Adam and Eve sinned, You didn’t have to revert to Plan B. In the spiritual realm, the Lamb had already been slain. From the creation of the world Your plan to rescue, redeem, forgive, heal and bless me had already been carried out. Jesus completed His work on the cross. I believe in His finished work, I accept it and acknowledge Him as my Rescuer, Redeemer, Saviour, Healer, the One who forgave me and blessed me with every spiritual blessing. 

SURELY HE TOOK UP OUR PAIN AND BORE OUR SUFFERING, YET WE CONSIDERED HIM PUNISHED BY GOD, STRICKEN BY HIM, AND AFFLICTED. BUT HE WAS PIERCED FOR OUR TRANSGRESSIONS, HE WAS CRUSHED FOR OUR INIQUITIES; THE PUNISHMENT THAT BROUGHT US PEACE WAS ON HIM, AND BY HIS WOUNDS WE ARE HEALED. ISAIAH 53:4, 5 I believe that You Jesus Christ took up my pain and bore my suffering. Your Word says it, so I believe it. Your father punished You instead of me. You were afflicted, pierced for my transgressions, crushed for my iniquities. The punishment that brought me peace was on You. I am healed by Your wounds. The words “thank you” seem so inadequate to express my gratitude. You took what I deserved, and gave me what I didn’t deserve. 

GOD MADE HIM WHO HAD NO SIN TO BE SIN FOR US, SO THAT IN HIM WE MIGHT BECOME THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. 2 COR 5:21 My dear Lord Jesus, I am amazed that God made You, who had no sin, to be sin for me. You became sin, so that in You I could become the righteousness of God. My sin, Your righteousness. What an incredible exchange. I declare that I am righteous in You. 

GOD DEMONSTRATES HIS OWN LOVE FOR US IN THIS: WHILE WE WERE STILL SINNERS, CHRIST DIED FOR US. ROMANS 5:8 I recognize that because I was born a sinner, I deserved death. Lord Jesus, You took my place on the cross. Thank you for dying so that I might have life ─ another amazing exchange: death for You, life for me. What a demonstration of Your love, Father God. I receive that life. 

CHRIST REDEEMED US FROM THE CURSE OF THE LAW BY BECOMING A CURSE FOR US, FOR IT IS WRITTEN: “CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO IS HANGED ON A TREE”. GAL 3:13 How could it be, dear Lord Jesus, that You became a curse for me? You redeemed me from the curse of the law and for me there is only blessing. Thank You! I declare I have every spiritual blessing in Christ. 

YOU KNOW THE GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THAT THOUGH HE WAS RICH, YET FOR YOUR SAKE HE BECAME POOR, SO THAT YOU THROUGH HIS POVERTY MIGHT BECOME RICH. 2 COR 8:9 Lord Jesus, You became poor so that I might become rich. You emptied yourself and poured all your riches into me. Through Your poverty I am blessed with every spiritual blessing. 

FOR WE KNOW THAT OUR OLD SELF WAS CRUCIFIED WITH HIM SO THAT THE BODY RULED BY SIN MIGHT BE DONE AWAY WITH, THAT WE SHOULD NO LONGER BE SLAVES TO SIN. IN THE SAME WAY, COUNT YOURSELVES DEAD TO SIN BUT ALIVE TO GOD IN CHRIST JESUS. ROMANS 6:6, 11 I decide to believe that my old self was crucified with You Lord Jesus on the cross. The body ruled by sin was done away with. I decide that I will no longer be a slave to sin. I choose to count myself dead to sin, and alive to God, in You Christ Jesus. You are my life. You live Your life in me. 

THEREFORE, SINCE WE HAVE BEEN JUSTIFIED THROUGH FAITH, WE HAVE PEACE WITH GOD THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THROUGH WHOM WE HAVE GAINED ACCESS BY FAITH INTO THIS GRACE IN WHICH WE NOW STAND. ROMANS 5: 1-2 I declare I have been justified through faith. I have peace with You Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. Through Him I have gained access into this grace in which I now stand. Your grace, the mercy I didn’t deserve, amazes me. I will never cease to praise You for what You did for me and in me on the cross!

FAITH IS CONFIDENCE IN WHAT WE HOPE FOR AND ASSURANCE ABOUT WHAT WE DO NOT SEE. HEBREWS 11:1 Thank You Heavenly Father that You are not limited by time, space or material things. I believe that the spiritual world although invisible, is permanent and eternal. I do not see it but I have the assurance it is real. I declare that all that Jesus did for me and in me on the cross is valid today. I praise You Father that Christ’s work on the cross has no “use by” date! The solution for all the situations in my life is found in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross! 

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