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God’s forgiveness in His Kingdom is complete. The Lamb of God took away the sin of the world.1 This means that in God’s sight all sin was paid for. The debt of the human race was cancelled. We are free to enjoy forgiveness.
Christ Jesus paid for our sin on the cross of Calvary; He was made sin.2 Sin includes the deed, the pain caused by that deed and sickness as a consequence. He did this so we could enter into His Kingdom; He redeemed us.
To continually ask for forgiveness for sins committed brings no result except to form a vicious circle of sinning, asking for forgiveness and then sinning again. Rather we are instructed to confess our sins and then on the grounds of the work of Christ reclaim and receive our forgiveness, which Christ has already given us.3
In order to live in total freedom from the slavery of sin, we need to repent on a spiritual level.4 We are used to repenting on a human level that is to say we regret having done or said something. True repentance means to repent of our sinful condition, of having been born in the kingdom of darkness; it means to have a repentant attitude that enables us to identify whether we are walking in the Light or are in darkness.5
The work of the Holy Spirit is to convince us of sin.6 Guilt belongs to the kingdom of darkness and is destructive. Jesus Christ carried our guilt but Satan uses human truth to accuse us and make us feel guilty. (See study: Truth in God’s Kingdom) Because of this it is important to know God’s truth; our faith in that pure truth is the shield that protects us from Satan’s darts.
It is essential to accept God’s government without the attitude that it doesn’t matter what we do as long as we ask for forgiveness afterwards. We live on a spiritual level where we are able to clearly identify what belongs to the kingdom of darkness in order to repent, confess, renounce and then on the grounds of the work of Christ, reclaim and receive our forgiveness. To receive forgiveness is to place oneself in Christ under God’s direction. This is genuine repentance on a spiritual level.
1Juan 1:29 22 Cor 5:21 3Col 1:4 42 Cor 7:10 51 Juan 1:6,7 6Juan 16:8

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