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TRUTH IN GOD'S KINGDOM by Anita Keith-Gillon

What is the truth? In this world the truth is what happens, it is what is, although that truth can be relative. Everyone has a different point of view; we speak what we believe is true.  The laws of each country and those who execute those laws are dedicated in finding out the truth and pronounce justice according to that truth. However, God’s truth is eternal, unchangeable, irrevocable and untouchable.  

When the serpent told Eve that she would not die1 what did he mean? Did he speak the truth or did he lie?

I think that he spoke the truth in the natural sphere because they did not fall down dead. However, disconnected from God they died instantly, spiritually. So yes, they died. We draw the conclusion that Satan lied on a spiritual level. He says what is true on a human level but these are lies when confronted with God’s absolute truth.

This concept is somewhat similar to what happens when we confront the law of gravity with the law of aerodynamics. If we apply the law of gravity, everything is drawn down to earth. How then do aeroplanes fly?  We discover that the law of aerodynamics is stronger.

This is what occurs with God’s Kingdom truth and human truth. Human truth destroys but God’s truth sets us free2.

When we use God’s Kingdom truth as a shield, human truth loses its power to destroy us. As this truth renews our minds we become stronger and able to confront the enemy with this shield. In order to use this shield we must believe God’s truth. (The shield of faith, which is part of the armour of God, functions by believing.)3

Without this renewing of the mind with the Truth of God’s Kingdom, we cannot know God’s will4. As we have already seen, in God’s Kingdom we do God’s will.

God says in His Word that His thoughts are not the same as our thoughts; they are higher5. As we believe the Truth of God’s Kingdom, as we exercise it to defend ourselves and as we live in it, our mind begins to align itself with the mind of Christ. That is how we know God’s will that is good, acceptable and perfect6.

What does God say about us? What does He say about our circumstances?


1 Gen 3:4 Rom 8:2 Ef 6:16 Rom 12:2 Isa 52:8, 9 Rom 12:2



I was abandoned and rejected.

 Psalm 27:10 The Lord received me from the very moment my parents rejected me. 

 I am alone.

1 Cor: 6: 19 The Holy Spirit lives in me;

 I am not alone.

 I am frightened.

Love casts out fear

Rom. 8: 35-39 I am never alone

 I have been cursed.

 Gal 3:13 Jesus Christ was made a curse for me.

 Someone has threatened to kill me.

 Rev 1: 18 Jesus has the keys of death and hell

 I can't get over my addiction.

 1 Cor 15:57 I have been given the victory. 

I'm no good for anything.

Eph 1:4 I was chosen before the creation of the world. 

No one in my family has been successful.

Rom 8: 16-17 We are God's family.



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