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Jesus Christ came to bring God’s Kingdom to earth1. He came into this world, born of a virgin, which is to say that the one who gave Him human life was God Himself. Spiritually, Jesus Christ stayed in His Father’s Kingdom all His life although as a man He lived physically on earth2
His life was directed by Father God and as a result all He did was perfect. He put Himself in the position of a servant, fulfilling God’s will, and precisely because of this, His life was characterized by obedience even to death on the cross3.
He came to take us back to God’s Kingdom because we were all born in the kingdom of darkness without the possibility of getting out. He gave us the freedom that belongs to the Kingdom of God which is the ability to choose to live in God’s Kingdom or in darkness.
If we believe in Jesus Christ we are no longer under condemnation, that is, in darkness; we come out of that kingdom to live in the Light4.
Christ’s sacrifice on the cross paid for all that the human race had done, does, and will do in the world of darkness, along with the consequences of those actions. He also conquered Satan and his demons. Genuine faith in Christ as the only Way and Saviour is sufficient to activate God’s power to transfer us from darkness to Light5. We can now live in the Light.
It goes without saying that if we believe in Christ for salvation we must also accept God’s perfect government over our lives, and seek to live permanently in that Kingdom in all the areas of our lives. For the true believer in Christ Jesus, life in the world of darkness has been abandoned forever.
Our life’s goal is to stay in Christ and enjoy our new identity; to decide to seek first the Kingdom of God; to deeply desire a relationship with God and to be directed by Him in all areas of our lives.
Read the following prayer which with total faith in Christ will transfer you from darkness to Light. 

Lord Jesus Christ, I believe with all my heart that I along with all the human race, was born in the kingdom of darkness, under eternal condemnation because of sin. In this state there is nothing I can do to save myself.
Because of this situation God demonstrated His love in that Christ Jesus came to this world and was obedient to His Father even dying on the cross. On that cross He took my sin, my pain and my sickness and that of the whole world including my ancestors. He rose from the dead and wants me to enter in Him in order to enter into the Kingdom of God. Today I decide to enter in Christ, submit to God’s Kingdom and enjoy my new identity as a one of God’s children.
Teach me to live spiritually in Your Kingdom, and obey You always. I want to be an ambassador of Your Kingdom. Thank you for loving me so much. Amen.

After you have read this prayer and have accepted the terms, you can pray it with understanding.
Now that you have been born again into God’s Kingdom, you will want to know how to live there and how to enjoy spiritually this Kingdom.

1Matt 3:2 2Jn 3:13 3Fil 2:6-8 4John 3:16-18 5Col 1:13-14

To be continued … 

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