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Taken from BROKEN CISTERNS by Anita Keith-Gillon

Do you think that when we come to Christ all our problems are instantly solved? How great that would be!
What happens when a person who is disconnected from God, spiritually dead, is born again?
Our spirit receives eternal life because it is united with God through faith in the work of Christ on the cross, and because we have repented of our condition as a sinner. But sin still contaminates our flesh.
Our mind is deceived by Satan and needs to be renewed (Romans 12:2). Our soul is rebellious and needs to learn to submit to God’s government so that His image is perfected through Christ. Our five senses perceive a fallen world that functions between good and evil and our soul reacts according to the flesh.
The Christian life is the life of Christ in me, growing every day. It is to eat of the Tree of Life that is Christ, so that all I do is done by Christ in me and through me.
We see that although we have come into the family of God, our soul and the soul of all those around us has the tendency to rebel against God, and that the pain of this fallen world has affected us from even before we were born.
The void we were born with is there, because God’s original design for us was that we live in a perfect world; because of sin we came short of the glory of God (Romans 3:22, 23). Although sometimes we are not conscious of this void, we become more aware of it by looking first at what every human being longs for and then examining some behaviour that corresponds to these longings.
The deep longings of every human being are:
1. Someone strong to depend on.
2. Receive unconditional love.
3. Live in a perfect world one we were designed for.
4. Enjoy communicating with someone who understands us perfectly
5. Feel satisfied and important.

To have come short of the glory of God means that every human being is born in the condition in which Adam and Eve found themselves that day. Every person longs for someone strong to depend on, to receive unconditional love, to live in a perfect world, enjoy communicating with someone who understands him perfectly and to feel satisfied and important.
We were designed to depend on God who is strong and infallible; receive unconditional love and live in a perfect world; we were designed to enjoy communicating with someone who understands perfectly and to feel great all the time.
The void in our lives is because all these things were lost when sin entered into the world and although we are not conscious of the cause of the void, we try to fill it.
As we were designed to live in a perfect world, with God, enjoying His plan for us, we object to imperfection. We are continually searching for something we have lost, looking for the perfect person to love us and for a perfect world in which to live.
(Taken from the book Broken Cisterns by Anita Keith-Gillon)

Let’s pray through these Bible verses in order to confess our personal dependencies (broken cisterns) and to declare our total dependence on God.

MY PEOPLE HAVE COMMITTED TWO SINS: THEY HAVE FORSAKEN ME, SPRING OF LIVING WATER, AND HAVE DUG THEIR OWN CISTERNS, BROKEN CISTERNS THAT CANNOT HOLD WATER. JEREMIAH 2:13 Heavenly Father I confess that I have committed these two sins. Many times I have forsaken you and have tried to fill the void in my life with people, situations and things apart from You. I recognize You as the Spring of living water and renounce digging my own cisterns and having expectations apart from You. I declare that You, and only You can fill the void in my life. You are someone strong I can depend on; only You love me as I need to be loved; in You I find the perfect world I long for; You understand me perfectly; I am complete in You. Thank You Father!
KEEP ME SAFE, MY GOD, FOR IN YOU I TAKE REFUGE. I SAY TO THE LORD, “YOU ARE MY LORD; APART FROM YOU I HAVE NO GOOD THING.” PSALM 16: 1, 2 Lord God I trust You to keep me safe and declare my total confidence in You. You are my Lord, the source of every good thing. There is no one else like You. Heavenly Father I believe and accept that apart from You I have no good thing. I confess that I have looked for love outside of Your love. Now I realize that You are the only one who loves me as You designed me to be loved. Your love is unconditional. There is nothing I can do to make You love me more. You understand me perfectly. I believe and accept that apart from You I will never find what I unconsciously long for because when I have You, I have all I need.
YOU WILL SHOW ME THE PATH OF LIFE; IN YOUR PRESENCE IS FULLNESS OF JOY; AT YOUR RIGHT HAND ARE PLEASURES FOR EVERMORE. PSALM 16:11 (NKJV) Father God, I believe it with all my heart; in Your presence I find fullness of joy. In Your presence I find the perfect world I long to live in; You are my Perfect world. I renounce looking for perfection in the natural world. I thank You for the pleasures that I discover at Your right hand. You share with me the joy of Your presence. I choose to delight myself in You. You show me the path of life because You are my Life.
BUT AS FOR ME, IT IS GOOD TO BE NEAR GOD. I HAVE MADE THE SOVEREIGN LORD MY REFUGE. PSALM 73:10 Lord, how comforting it is to be near you. I declare that to keep close to you is truly good for me. I have tried looking for satisfaction in other sources but today I renounce drinking at other fountains; I renounce digging cisterns that don’t hold water. I make You my Sovereign and accept your lordship in my life. I confess that I have put my expectations in people and things, but now I decide to make You, the sovereign Lord, my refuge. You are my hope and I place all my expectations in You.


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