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I BELIEVE AND TAKE ACTION by Kathleen Keith-Gillon

Moses finds himself in a desperate situation: in charge of several million people, a colossal army behind him, and an immense stretch of water in front. He asks God’s help. Is it not justifiable to ask help from God in such a difficult situation?

Along with Moses, let’s listen to the unexpected reply. It sounds more like a list of instructions:
Why do you cry to Me?
Tell the children of Israel to go forward.
But lift up your rod
and stretch out your hand over the sea
and divide it … Exodus 14:15-16

The moment has come for Moses to exercise his faith. His authority is his rod, the instrument given by God, the sign of His presence and power.

God had said to him: And be sure to take your rod along so that you can perform the miracles I have shown you. Exodus 4.17 TLB

As Moses takes action, he honours God and shows he believes in the authority given to him to perform miracles. In the earthly realm it’s not God who divides the sea. It’s Moses! He has the authority. He stretches out of his hand and divides the sea because his faith activates God’s power.

Sometimes when I ask God for His help it seems I receive no reply, or not the reply I want.
Now I understand why there are occasions when God doesn’t answer my plea for help; it’s simply because He has already answered and is waiting for me to exercise my faith and go ahead! If I believe I will take action.

Lord, I confess that at times I use prayer as a refuge to dodge the action of faith. I decide to believe that in Christ Jesus You have given me Your authority to do Your will. I lift up the rod, (the authority You have given me), and in the Name of Jesus Christ I stretch out my hand and divide the sea. I believe and take action.


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