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TWO OF FAITH'S ENEMIES by Kathleen Keith-Gillon

Faith has two enemies: unbelief and human reasoning.
Unbelief has become the means by which we assess reality; we decide what is possible and what we deem impossible.
Reason does not allow us to believe God; it puts us in a prison that limits His power, where we eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and where we don’t need faith.
Faith goes beyond human reason. Faith comes first, followed by understanding.

Our faith must be renewed on a daily basis; yesterday's faith isn't faith today!

In order to exercise and increase the measure of faith given by God to each one of us, we encourage you to print out the following verses and pray through them in your times alone with God. 

HAVE FAITH IN GOD Mark 11:22. Heavenly Father, I confess that my human nature is not capable of having faith because it always looks for reasoning and logic. I acknowledge that reasoning and logic are faith’s worst enemies; they make me doubt. I decide to exercise faith in God and believe that he is who he says he is; he did what he says he has done; I am what he says I am. I praise You Lord because I participate in the divine nature and that nature believes and cannot doubt.
AGAINST ALL HOPE, ABRAHAM IN HOPE BELIEVED… WITHOUT WEAKENING IN HIS FAITH … HE DID NOT WAVER THROUGH UNBELIEF REGARDING THE PROMISE OF GOD, BUT WAS STRENGTHENED IN HIS FAITH AND GAVE GLORY TO GOD, BEING FULLY PERSUADED THAT GOD HAD POWER TO DO WHAT HE HAD PROMISED. THIS IS WHY “IT WAS CREDITED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS.” Romans 4:17-22 Lord, today I choose to believe in hope against hope because I know in whom I believe. I open up my heart and allow You to destroy all doubt, disbelief, reasoning and argument with the dynamite of Your faith. I strengthen myself in Your faith and give You all the glory. I am convinced that You are able to do what you have promised. I declare that Your faith in me is counted for righteousness. I declare that in Christ I am righteous.
SEE TO IT, BROTHERS AND SISTERS, THAT NONE OF YOU HAS A SINFUL, UNBELIEVING HEART THAT TURNS AWAY FROM THE LIVING GOD. Hebrews 3:12 Lord I confess the unbelief in my heart and renounce my tendency to assess my situation by what I myself decide is possible and what seems impossible. I recognize that the failures in my life are the result of my own disbelief. I decide to use the measure of faith I have and put it into practice in my current situation.
BY FAITH WE UNDERSTAND. Hebrews 11:3 Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that many times when I do not understand You, I do not believe You. Your Word teaches me that faith must be first, then understanding. I refuse to allow Satan to imprison me within the limits of reason. I renounce trying to understand You using reason and declare that faith does not need human reason to believe because faith surpasses all reason and is not based on common sense. I decide to align my thoughts with Your thoughts to increase my level of faith.
FOR THEREIN IS THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD REVEALED FROM FAITH TO FAITH; AS IT IS WRITTEN: “THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH”. Romans 1:17 (KJ21) Lord I declare that Your righteousness is not only revealed from faith but also in order to increase my faith. Teach me to exercise my faith and take the first step so that You can show me the next step. I am attentive to what You want to do in my life; I put my hand in Yours and decide to live by faith. 

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