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The majority of folk coming for spiritual help think they are Christians. They have had a religious encounter with God but have not experienced the new birth. So we present the gospel from a different angle, beginning with the creation of the angels, the fall of Lucifer, leading into Genesis chapter three. When man falls, Satan kidnaps the whole of creation and it becomes evident that since then, everyone is born in the kingdom of darkness. Jesus Christ came to rescue the human race. The triumphant truth of Colossians 1:13 and 14 suddenly comes alive: He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Salvation is all about Him.

We are a team: Anita is the oral communicator and I (Kathleen) communicate by writing. So, Anita weaves the Redemption story into her seminar/workshops; I have told it as a story to share with “good” people who are still in the kingdom of darkness. The title is RESCUE OPERATION AN OUTRAGEOUS SUCCESS. (See "Articles")

My people have committed two sins: they have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns, that cannot hold water. Jeremiah 2:13
BROKEN CISTERNS is a life changing experience. Those who attend this seminar are confronted with the harsh reality that we live in a fallen world; the Creator’s original design has been distorted with the entrance of sin. We open the workshop with some questions that are very difficult to answer with human logic. (See link above). As we continue with the seminar, the longings and deep needs of every human being are presented and analyzed. We were designed to live in a perfect world where all our needs and longings were met. The fact that we live in a fallen world although we were designed to live in a perfect world, causes us pain. The deep longings of every human being are:
1.Someone strong to depend on
2.To receive unconditional love
3.To live in a perfect world for which one was designed for
4.Enjoy communicating with someone who understands one perfectly
5.Feel satisfied and important

During the BROKEN CISTERNS workshops everyone has the opportunity to analyze these needs first on a general level and then on a personal level. They gradually realize that GOD is the only one who can fulfill these needs. It’s all about Him.

See to it that no-one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Hebrews 12:15
Bitterness seeped into Ishmael’s heart during his traumatic childhood; bitterness was the result of Esau’s reaction to certain events in his life. These two biographies set the stage for a closer look at our childhood experiences and our reactions to the harsh events in our lives.

TRANSLATION: The adverse circumstances in our lives put us in the prison of Bitterness. The sentence depends on you.

The burning questions about life’s unfairness, the sins of others and the intense pain caused by these sins, are among the topics treated in this seminar. Those who attend are gently led to stand at the foot of the Cross. They are invited to accept that Jesus Christ took the punishment not only for their sin but also the sin of those who have sinned against them. Forgiveness is not about me or the person who offended me; it's all about Him.

If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36
Why is it that some Christians never grow in the Christian life? Why do they live a life of constant defeat, always striving for victory? Working through the Steps to Freedom with these Christians gives them an opportunity to look at the dark areas in their lives and take authority over the prince of darkness.


Those who take the steps towards freedom begin to use the authority they have because Christ lives in them; they learn that they don’t have to ask for the victory but declare that it is theirs because on the Cross Jesus Christ won the victory. It’s not about striving. It’s all about Him.

I no longer live but Christ lives in me. Galatians 2: 20
What exactly is the Christian life? It is Christ living His life in me. As I come to understand that I can do nothing to please God, and that it is only Christ in me that pleases God, I come into the fullness of my identity in Christ. I was chosen in Him, it is in Him I am accepted, it is in Christ I am complete. Without Him I can do nothing. I can’t even live the Christian life. He lives His life in me. It’s all about Him.


                                                                                  CHRIST LIVES IN ME

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
There is an enormous difference between human truth and God’s truth. Many arrive on our doorstep with terrible and impossible situations. A considerable amount of time is spent teaching them to pray the Word of God. (To begin with we use "Praying God's Word" by Beth Moore). As they learn to declare God’s truth over their particular situation, the intense light of the Word of God shines over the darkness and reveals the lies they have believed.


The lonely discover that they are never alone because God’s Word says He will never leave them. Those suffering from depression find that God’s Word gives them the words to express their feelings to God. They can admit that though they sit in darkness the Lord will be their light; that they need not be dismayed because He is their God. Those feeling unloved, insecure and rejected learn to pray God’s truth and discover that His love is unfailing, He loves freely, and even if their parents have rejected them (human truth, because it really did happen) the Lord receives them. It is what God says about the situation that counts. What He says, is what it is. It’s all about Him. 


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