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10/19/13- By Kathleen Keith-Gillon

“Tonight he´ll be captured.  One of his followers will show you where.”

Malchus receives his master’s curt order in silence and in so doing becomes an innocent pawn in the most cowardly conspiracy of all history.

Night falls and a detachment of soldiers together with several officials meet together. Malchus joins them. He looks around and notices that some of the company carry arms, others hold flaming torches.

Suddenly a man hurries up to them and makes signs that they follow him.

The group hastens to keep up with him as he takes them along a dark alleyway that leads to the Kidron Valley. They enter a garden. The low branches of the trees brush their faces but they push ahead, blazing torches held high, arms at the ready. From the rear Malchus stretches up, curious to see the man he has heard so much about.  He is surprised to see him walk out of the shadows and ask them a question.

“Who is it you want?”

“Jesus of Nazareth,” shout several of the group.

“I am he!”

On hearing that, the group, including the traitor, take a step backwards and tumble to the ground. Kicking and cursing they somehow get back on their feet and Malchus finds himself beside Jesus who repeats the question.

 “Who is it you want?”

The reply is repeated.

“Jesus of Nazareth.”

Malchus holds his breath and gazes at the man’s face.

“I told you that I am he.”

In the moments that follow there is total confusion. Shouts and curses fill the air. Suddenly Malchus and one of Jesus’ followers find themselves the protagonists in the ensuing chaotic scene.

In the light of the flaming torches a sword flashes, taking Malchus by surprise. Bewildered, he quickly turns his head and the blade falls on his right ear. Malchus reaches up and feels the blood run down his cheek.

Time seems to stand still. For a brief moment an uncanny silence descends on the group.  Jesus touches Malchus’ ear. For a second their eyes meet.

The high priest’s servant touches his ear gingerly. He finds it completely healed.

*** *** ***

The news quickly spreads.

“The high priest’s servant has been wounded.”

“His ear was cut off. Anyone know who did it?”

A woman interrupts the conversation.

“I don’t believe it. I saw Malchus this morning and both his ears were firmly in place.”

A young fellow joins the group of gossipers.

“I know who did it! One of the followers of that man Jesus.”

“How come? You mean one of the followers of the Master from Galilee wounded someone?”

The murmuring swells like a wave of the sea.

Someone wounded Malchus! It was one of Jesus’ followers! His ear was cut off!

A teenager runs towards the group and interrupts the gossip.

“I’ve got the hot news! It’s incredible!

He stops to regain his breath.

“Hey listen…Malchus is healed… It was like this… Jesus put out his hand… and he touched his ear…and like I said… Malchus was healed… and what’s more… I saw him this morning!”   

The boy runs off to spread the good news to everyone he meets:

“Hey listen… Jesus healed Malchus!”

The good news is for us too: Jesus heals wounds… every kind of wound … including emotional wounds… and yes… even a wound like Malchus suffered … a wound inflicted by a follower of Jesus Christ.





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