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06/03/16- By Kathleen Keith-Gillon

“Isaac! Isaac! Good news!”
Rebekah ran towards her husband, threw her arms around his neck, and buried her face in his beard.
“God has heard our prayer.”
Isaac looked into her eyes.
“Thank God”, he whispered. “We’re going to have a child!”
Their happiness was short-lived. Rebekah’s pregnancy became increasingly difficult. She asked God about the situation and his answer surprised her.
“The sons in your womb shall become two rival nations. One will be stronger than the other, and the older shall be a servant of the younger!”
Confused, Rebekah shook her head.
Sure enough, Rebekah had twins!
The first was born covered with what appeared to be a hairy red coat.
“His name is Esau,” those present decided, as they looked at the squirming little body, because the word Esau sounds a little like the Hebrew word for hair.
The second baby was born with one hand clutching Esau's heel. To remember that curious happening the folk gave him the name Jacob, which in Hebrew means simply 'he grabs the heel'.

*** *** ***

“Gonna tell Mum!”
Little Jacob stuck out his foot, tripped up his brother and ran off laughing.
“As if I care! Gonna tell Dad!”
Indignant, Esau struggled to his feet and brushed the dust off his hairy little legs. Running to where his father sat, he scrambled up on to his knee and blurted out his grievance. His father’s response made everything right in a few seconds. The little boy grinned. He knew he could count on dad to defend him.
The constant infantile fights repeatedly caused trouble between the parents. The mother doted on Jacob, while Esau was dad's favorite. Sadly their attitude inadvertently strengthened the rivalry between the twins, and even worse, was the potent fertilizer that fed a hidden root of bitterness in the heart of one small member of the family.
The children grew and each developed his own personality. Esau loved the open countryside, his greatest pleasure to hunt and to receive his father’s congratulations. Tiredness vanished upon hearing the question:
“Son, what did you bring me today?”
At nightfall father and son would sit down to enjoy the venison and one another’s company.
Jacob, on the other hand, preferred to stay in the camp near his mother. It was no secret that Rebekah loved Jacob more than his twin. From an early age she taught him to listen to her voice and obey her without questioning.

*** *** ***

Jacob whistled as he stirred the contents of the pot. Closing his eyes for a moment he allowed the provocatively tempting smell of lentil stew to pervade his nostrils.

Suddenly the peace and quiet was interrupted by the noisy arrival of his brother.
“Bother!” Jacob turned and scowled at the source of the noise. “It was quiet and peaceful till you arrived.”
“I’m done!” Esau threw his bow and quiver to the ground. “Almost impossible to catch anything today.”
The hunter wrinkled his nose and sidled up to the pot of lentil stew.
“Serve me,” he demanded.
Jacob frowned but his response was immediate, swift as an arrow aimed at its target.
“O.K. Trade me your birthright for it!”
The cook held his breath as he waited for his brother’s reaction.
“When a man’s dying of starvation, what good’s a birthright?”
To emphasize his plight, Esau slumped to the ground and closed his eyes.
Realizing that his brother was serious Jacob replied, “Well then, vow to God that it’s mine!”
Esau opened his eyes and without thinking twice swore to him.
“Here, take it.” Jacob handed over a bowl of lentil stew and a hunk of bread. Esau savoured every spoonful.
“Must admit you’re a good cook,” he grunted. “Red lentils are my favourite,” he added, wiping his mouth with the back of his hairy hand. From that day on his nickname was Edom, meaning 'red'. 

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